For Renting an Apartment in Central Lonsdale, Call Now: 236-788-9546 | 1730 Chesterfield, North Vancouver

5 Reasons Why You’ll Love Apartment Living

1. Simplicity

Apartment living is a simpler, lower-stress way of living, providing you with the space to figure out what matters most and the freedom to focus on those important things. Instead of spending your spare time on obligations that come with owning a house, such as fixing up the house, maintenance projects etc. you can enjoy relaxing time at home doing what you love or spend quality time with friends and family.

(How about a day at Lynn Canyon Park or Grouse Mountain)


2. A Tidy Home

Apartment living is minimalist by design and easy to tidy. In a compact living space, we tend to be more functional and limit the number of things we bring into our home. Therefore, our homes become more organized and less cluttered. Uncluttered living space will motivate us to maintain this feel in our home.

(Spend less time organizing and more time exploring North Vancouver)


3. Connection

Connection thrives in more compact spaces. These connections could be within your family members, or even yourself. It allows families to be more present for one another which leads to more family time, shared activities and fun!

(Why not a whole day down at Lonsdale Quay … Best ice cream ever)


4. Community

Apartment living instantly brings a sense of community. Many have weekly activities where people can get to know each other and build connections. This can be beneficial for people who work from home or for those who stay at home. Feelings of social isolation are hard to come by in apartment complexes.

(Can’t wait for social distancing to end … let’s get together then)


5. Financial Flexibility

Apartment living helps shape your spending around the lifestyle you feel most called to. If your family values relationships, travelling, health, and generosity, but your finance are going toward home projects then you won’t be able to focus as much on those values. Instead of spending your time and money on maintenance and repairing home projects, you could invest in the health of your family by eating organic and exercise, frequent nights out with your loved ones, other fun activities between family members.

(Lonsdale Avenue has the best selection of restaurants and cafes … how about a family brunch)


At the end of the day, Apartment Living is the lifestyle where your life is simplified, so you can focus on what matters most.

If you are desiring a great location and an amazing new home, come see us at Central Apartments. We are here 7 days a week to show you our beautiful display suites.

Please call 236-788-9771 for your appointment. Our team … Kitty, Sam, and Zeina can’t wait to meet you!